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When you're into the rifle sighting process, you have to be careful to make changes in the sights only after having fired a number of shots, never a single one. Three shots are probably adequate—possibly even two (during the fairly rough, up-close work). As the range increases, though, groups of 5 shots are recommended (especially if the changes to the sights involve filing).
Let's assume you want the rifle sighted in to hit point of aim at 100 yards. Let's also assume you are sighting a new rifle, and don't know the sight settings. You have to come up with a way to get started, to get "on the paper". You could just put up a big piece of paper at 100 yards, fire a few shots at it and hope the bullets hit the paper. In this case, the sights could be adjusted to bring the shots directly on the bull. The only drawback to this method is that it involves a lot of walking.
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